Privacy policy

The company “Klipper Waterman” owns the Stevenklipper Broedertrouw and the Stevenaak Waterman. This document concerns the privacy policy for both ships.

Klipper Waterman attaches great importance to the protection of your personal data. In this Privacy Policy, we want to provide clear and transparent information about how we handle personal data. We do everything we can to ensure your privacy and therefore handle personal data carefully. Klipper Waterman complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation. This means that we at least:

  • Process your personal data in accordance with the purpose for which they were provided, these purposes and types of personal data are described in this Privacy Policy;
  • Limit the processing of your personal data to only those data that are minimally necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
  • Ask for your explicit consent if we need it for the processing of your personal data;
  • Have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data;
  • Do not pass on personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for the execution of the purposes for which they were provided;
  • Are aware of your rights regarding your personal data, want to point them out to you, and respect them.

As Klipper Waterman, we are responsible for the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or, more generally, wish to contact us, you can do so via the contact details below:

Klipper Waterman
P.O. Box 2187
1620 ED Hoorn

Processing of personal data

Klipper Waterman processes your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide them to us. Below is an overview of the personal data we process:

  • First name, middle name, and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender (male/female)
  • Address details;
  • Phone numbers
  • Email address
  • Company name
  • Chamber of Commerce number / VAT number
  • Bank account number
  • Data regarding your diet if you report dietary requirements when booking your trip.
  • Booking history


Our website and/or service do not intend to collect data about website visitors under the age of 16 unless they have permission from their parents or guardian. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16. We therefore recommend that parents be involved in their children’s online activities to prevent data about children from being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we have collected personal data about a minor without this consent, please contact us at, and we will delete this information.

Disclosure to third parties

We may provide the data you provide to us to third parties if this is necessary for the execution of the purposes described above. We use a third party for:

  • Taking care of the (financial) administration;
  • Taking care of the internet environment of Klipper Waterman.

We only pass on personal data to other parties with whom we have concluded an agreement. We make the necessary arrangements with these parties (processors) to ensure the security of your personal data. Furthermore, we will not provide the data you provide to other parties unless this is legally required and permitted. An example of this is when the police request (personal) data from us in the context of an investigation. In such a case, we must cooperate and are therefore obliged to provide this data. We can also share personal data with third parties if you give us written permission to do so. We do not provide personal data to parties located outside the EU.

We only process personal data of minors (persons younger than 16 years) if written permission has been given by the parent, guardian, or legal representative.

Retention period

Klipper Waterman does not store personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which they were provided or as required by law.


We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unlawful processing. For example, we have taken the following measures:

  • All persons who can access your data on behalf of Klipper Waterman are obliged to maintain confidentiality.
  • We use a username and password policy on all our systems;
  • We pseudonymize and ensure the encryption of personal data when necessary;
  • Online bookings are made through a secure connection;
  • We make backups of personal data to be able to restore them in case of physical or technical incidents;
  • We regularly test and evaluate our measures;
  • Our employees are informed about the importance of protecting personal data.

Your privacy rights

You are entitled to access, rectify or delete the personal data we have received from you. You can also object to the processing of your personal data (or part of it) by us or by one of our processors. You also have the right to have the data you provided transferred to yourself or, at your request, directly to another party. We may ask you to provide identification before we can respond to the aforementioned requests.


If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we ask you to contact us directly. If we cannot resolve the issue together, we find this very unfortunate. You always have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority, which is the supervisory authority for privacy protection.